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1 Litter Bottle Biflex Anti termite product of FMC
₨ 3,000
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- Very Useful product for post and pre construction anti termite treatment.
- 100% surety that termite will finish.
- Product of FMC USA.
Biflex is used? for :
Biflex Anti termite is also used to? control ants, including Carpenter Ants and Fire Ants, Armyworms, Bees, Centipedes, Chiggers, Chinch Bugs, Clover Mites, Crickets,Cutworms, Dichondra Frea Beetles, Earwigs.
European Craneflies,Flees, Flies, Grasshoppers. Homets, Millipedes, Mosquitoes, Moths,Roaches, including Cockroaches, Scorpions. Sod Webworms, Sowbugs(Pillbugs), spiders including Black Widow Spiders, Springtails. licks,including Brown Dog licks, and Wasps.
How to use Biflex Anti termite
For 0.03% emulsion, mix ‘I, fluid oz. of Biflex per gallon of water.
For 0.06% emulsion, mix ‘/3 fluid oz. Biflex per gallon of water (1fluid oz. = 2 tablespoons).
Do not use household utensils to measure Biflex . Use the higher rate tor heavy pest infestation, quicker knockdown or longer residual control. Repeat treatment as necessary to maintain effectiveness.